Share Savings

Easily Grow Your Savings!

A feature-rich savings account is a great way to start enjoying the benefits of SECU membership!

  • Establishes your SECU membership
  • Pays interest above the Maryland Average*
  • Great account to build savings: Set up automatic transfers to quickly and easily grow your savings over time.
  • Withdraw or transfer funds to/from other SECU accounts at any time without penalty**
  • Hold multiple Savings Accounts—open a different account for each of your savings goals. As many as you want.
  • Custodial accounts available at a SECU branch.

Open an account today and start building your savings for your next adventure.

It only takes 10 minutes.

Click here to view more savings calculators.

*As reported by Informa

**Federal Reserve Board Regulation D limits the number of transfers or withdrawals that may be made from a Savings Account to six per month. Does not apply to withdrawals and transfers made in person at a branch or Financial Center.